Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2011

Will it be possible to see in the darkness?

Will it be possible to see in the darkness?

A group of researchers in the USA are working on a special kind of eye drop nowadays. Thanks to this eye drop, people will see even at nights. Everything has started by exploring an oceanic fish which can see just in the red light.This fish spread red light by ‘’bioluminescence’’ property.

The ‘’chlorophyll’’ molecules in it’s eyes make it easy to see in the red light. There is more than this! The chlorophyll is normally a colour pigment which is occupied in plants.It is thought that, fish has obtained this pigment from the bacterias which are nutrient for the fish. A group of researcher has found that, chlorophyll is works out also for mammals’ eyes. Now, they are trying to explore an eye drop for human eye which contains chlorophyll. They think that, it will makes easier to see in the darkness.

Karanlıkta Görmek Mümkün Olacak mı ?

ABD’den bir grup araştırmacı,çok özel bir göz damlası üzerine çalışıyor.Bu damla sayesinde insanlar,geceleri karanlıkta da görebilecekler.Her şey,okyanusların dibinde yaşayan bir balık türünün,yalnızca kırmızı ışıkta görebildiğinin keşfedilmesiyle başlamış…Bu balık türü, ’biyolüminesans’ özelliği sayesinde çevresine kırmızı ışık yayıyor.

Gözünde bulunan ‘klorofil’ molekülleri,kırmızı ışıkta görmesini kolaylaştırıyor.dahası da var! Normalde klorofil,bitkilerde bulunan bir renk maddesi.balığın klorofil moleküllerini,besin olarak tükettiği bakterilerden elde ettiği sanılıyor.bir grup araştırmacı, klorofilin memeli hayvanların gözünde de işe yaradığınıbulmuş.araştırmacılar şimdi,insanlar için klorofilli bir göz damlası üretmeye çalışıyorlar.Bu damlanın karanlıkta görmeyi kolaylaştırabileceğini düşünüyorlar.

mmm…What Delicious Plastics!

Mmm…What Delicious Plastics!

Billions of plastic bags are produced in the world every year. Most of those bags are thrown away to the garbage or discarded to nature. Disintegration of those plastic bags in the nature is also take long time.

Daniel Burd, a 16 years old student from Canada, Waterloo has discovered a process which speeds up disintegration of those bags. First, he started to work on the bacteria which help the disintegration of those bags. He observed some substances like plastic bags, mushrooms and soil in the laboratory. Then he found which bacteria species are fed by those plastic bags. At the end, he realized that many kinds of bacteria can disintegrate the plastic bags in three months.


Dünyada her yıl milyarlarca plastik torba üretiliyor.Sonunda bu torbaların çoğu çöp alanlarına gidiyor ya da doğaya karışıyor! Plastik torbaların doğada bozulmasıysa,çok ama çok uzun zamanda gerçekleşiyor. 

Kanada'nın Waterloo kentinden Daniel Burd adlı 16 yaşındaki bir öğrenci,plastik maddelerin bozulmasını hızlandıran bir yöntem keşfetmiş.Önce, plastiğin doğada bozulmasına yardımcı olan bakteriler üzerinde çalışmaya başlamış.Laboratuvarda, plastik torbalar, mantar,toprak gibi maddelerden bir karışım hazırlayarak neler olduğunu gözlemlemiş.

Sonra, hangi bakteri türlerinin plastik torbalarla beslendiklerini bulmuş.Yaptığı denemeler sonucunda, çok sayıda bakterinin bir plastik torbanın üç ayda bozunmasını sağlayabileceği sonucuna varmış!

Σάββατο 5 Μαρτίου 2011

Kites on the sky

"Whoever didn't play ever with kite, he did not look at as long as it needs high.
Whoever didn't feel the resistance of the rope, he didn't understand the force of the air.
And whoever didn't cry as a child when his kite was falling down, he did not feel joy and creativity to face alone the Nature ".

Clean Monday (Greek: Καθαρή Δευτέρα), also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, Monday of Lent or (in Cyprus only) Green Monday (actually translated as such), is the first day of the Eastern Orthodox Christian and Eastern Catholic Great Lent. It is a movable feast that occurs at the beginning of the 7th week before Easter Sunday. Because of the differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendar, Clean Monday usually falls on different days in European countries.

Clean Monday is a public holiday in Greece and Cyprus, where it is celebrated with outdoor excursions, the consumption of shellfish and other fasting food, and the widespread custom of flying kites. Eating meat, eggs and dairy products is traditionally forbidden to Christians throughout Lent, with fish being eaten only on major feast days, but shellfish is permitted. This has created the tradition of eating elaborate dishes based on seafood (shellfish, mollusks, fish roe etc). Traditionally, it is considered to mark the beginning of the spring season.

Gustav Klimt

Γκούσταφ Κλιμτ
Ο Γκούσταφ Κλιμτ (Gustav Klimt, 1862 – 1918) ήταν Αυστριακός ζωγράφος και ένας από τους σημαντικότερους εκπροσώπους του κινήματος της Απόσχισης (Sezession) της Βιέννης που διαδραμάτισε σημαντικό ρόλο στην ανάπτυξη της Αρ Νουβό (Art Nouveau). Είχε σημαντική συμβολή στη διεθνή αναγνώριση της αυστριακής τέχνης και υπήρξε από τους πρώτους που κατάφεραν να συνδυάσουν την εικονιστική με την αφηρημένη ζωγραφική.

Ο Κλιμτ υπήρξε ιδρυτικό μέλος και πρόεδρος της Απόσχισης της Βιέννης, η οποία αποτελούσε μία «μάχη για την πρόοδο των σύγχρονων καλλιτεχνών ενάντια στα γεράκια που αυτοαποκαλούνται καλλιτέχνες αλλά έχουν εμπορικό συμφέρον να παρακωλύουν την άνθιση της τέχνης».

Το ύφος του Κλιμτ υπήρξε εν γένει ξεχωριστό και καινοτόμο, συνδυάζοντας στοιχεία του συμβολισμού και της Αρ Νουβό, με παράλληλες επιρροές από την αρχαία ελληνική, μυκηναϊκή και αιγυπτιακή αγγειογραφία, ενώ συχνά θεωρήθηκε προκλητικό για την εποχή του και υπέστη σκληρή κριτική ή αποδοκιμασία. O ερωτισμός που κυριαρχεί στα έργα του προκάλεσε αρκετές φορές αντιδράσεις. Εμφανής είναι η επιμονή του Κλιμτ στην απεικόνιση γυναικών. Στα τοπία του απουσιάζει το ανθρώπινο στοιχείο, κυριαρχεί το τετράγωνο σχήμα και πολλά έργα του μοι΄ζουν με ψηφιδωτά.


Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) was an Austrian Symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. His major works include paintings, murals, sketches, and other art objects. Klimt's primary subject was the female body, and his works are marked by a frank eroticism—nowhere is this more apparent than in his numerous drawings in pencil.

Klimt's work is often distinguished by elegant gold or coloured decoration, spirals and swirls, and phallic shapes used to conceal the more erotic positions of the drawings upon which many of his paintings are based. Art historians note an eclectic range of influences contributing to Klimt's distinct style, including Egyptian, Minoan, Classical Greek, and Byzantine inspirations. Klimt was also inspired by the engravings of Albrecht Dürer, late medieval European painting, and Japanese Rimpa school.

2 Adele - 1 Judith

Adele Bloch-Bauer I & II

Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt. It's about an iconlike portrait of a Viennese society beauty whose perfect oval face floats above a glimmering pool of gold.

Thought to be the world's most expensive painting, the Jugendstil masterwork completed in 1907 has already been compared by some to both Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" and Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" in importance. 

Adele Bloch-Bauer I is in Klimt's much sought-after Golden Style, inspired by the artist's 1903 visit to the Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna, Italy.  

It was commissioned by Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, a wealthy art collector who fled Austria in 1938, leaving the paintings behind. It depicts Bloch-Bauer's young wife, "a modern woman living in a world of yesterday", who died suddenly of meningitis in Vienna a decade after she was painted.

In 2006, Ronald S. Lauder - the cosmetics tycoon, art collector and former ambassador to Austria - bought "Adele Bloch-Bauer I" for the Neue Gallery, the museum of modern Austrian and German art and design that he founded in Manhattan.  The price of the painting, was $135 million, surpassing the $104.1 million paid for Picasso's "Boy With A Pipe."

Surrounded by a daring sea of gold, Adele appears fragile, and Klimt paints her with gentle intimate nuance. Her hair is delicately heaped, lids droop heavily across large almond eyes, plump lips parted slightly and flushed cheeks spread a warm glow across her face. Her elegantly tapered hands are folded loosely to hide a deformed finger.

Adele gazes adoringly at the viewer, as she must have all those years ago at the artist that was painting her. Looking at Adele I and comparing it to that other famous Klimt work - Judith I - widely regarded as his most erotic painting.

Adele Bloch-Bauer II
Adele Bloch-Bauer II, another painting of Klimt. A portrait made in 1912 in translucent orchid, violet, periwinkle and teal, is only slightly less compelling than its gilded counterpart.

Adele Bloch-Bauer I & II

Πρόκειται για πορτρέτο που μοιάζει με εικόνα, του ζωγράφο Gustav Klimt. Απεικονίζει μια καλλονή της βιεννέζικης κοινωνίας, ης οποίας το τέλειο οβάλ πρόσωπο επιπλέει πάνω από ένα φέγγος πισίνας χρυσού.

Θεωρείται ο πιο ακριβοπληρωμένος πίνακας στο κόσμο, αριστούργημά Jugendstil που ολοκληρώθηκε το 1907. Συγκρίνεται με τη «Μόνα Λίζα»του Λεονάρντο ντα Βίντσι και τις «Δεσποινίδες της Αβινιόν» του Πικάσο.

Ο πίνακας "Adele Bloch-Bauer I" είναι εμπνευσμένος από την επίσκεψη του καλλιτέχνη στην βυζαντινά μωσαϊκά της Ραβέννας, Ιταλία το 1903.

Ανατέθηκε στον ζωγράφο από τον Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, έναν πλούσιο συλλέκτη έργων τέχνης που έφυγε από την Αυστρία το 1938 και άφησε τα έργα πίσω του. Απεικονίζει τη νεαρή σύζυγο του Bloch-Bauer, "μια σύγχρονη γυναίκα που ζει σε έναν κόσμο του χθες", η οποία πέθανε μια δεκαετία αργότερα από μηνιγγίτιδα.

To 2006, ο Ronald S. Lauder - μεγιστάνας καλλυντικών, συλλέκτης έργων τέχνης και πρώην πρέσβης στην Αυστρία - αγόρασε το "Adele Bloch-Bauer I" για τη Neue Πινακοθήκη, το μουσείο της σύγχρονης αυστριακής και της γερμανικής τέχνης, που ίδρυσε στο Μανχάταν. Η τιμή του έργου ανήλθε σε 135 εκατομμύρια δολάρια, ξεπερνώντας τα 104,1 εκατομμύρια δολάρια που καταβλήθηκαν το 2004 για το «Αγόρι με ένα σωλήνα» του Πικάσο.

Judith I
Περιτριγυρισμένο από μια θάλασσα χρυσού, η Adele εμφανίζεται εύθραυστη, καθώς o Klimt τη ζωγραφίζει με απαλή ζεστή απόχρωση. Τα μαλλιά της είναι απαλά, γεμάτα, με μεγάλα αμυγδαλωτά μάτια, παχιά, σαρκώδη χείλη, χωρισμένα λίγο κόκκινα μάγουλα που αφήνουν ν' απλωθεί μια ζεστή λάμψη στο πρόσωπό της. Τα κομψά κωνικά  χέρια της διπλώνουν αόριστα για να κρύψουν ένα παραμορφωμένο δάχτυλο.

Η Adele ατενίζει με λατρεία το θεατή, όπως μάλλον θα κύτταζε χρόνια πριν και τον ζωγράφο. Κοιτάζοντας την Adele Ι και συγκρίνοντάς την με το άλλο διάσημο έργο του Κλιμτ - τη Judith Ι - που θεωρείται ευρέως ως πιο ερωτικός πίνακάς του, είναι κατάφωρα σαφές για ποιο λόγο υπάρχει η πεποίθηση ότι η Adele ενέπνευσε τη Judith Ι.

Η Adele Bloch-Bauer II, είναι ένα άλλο πορτρέτο του Klimt του1912 σαν από διαφάνη ορχιδέα, βιολέτα, μυρτιά και κιρκίρι. Πίνακας λίγο λιγότερος συναρπαστικός σε σχέση με τον επιχρυσωμένο αντίστοιχό του.

Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2011

The pupils in Kat primary school

The little joyful pupils from Turkey send their greetings to all teams of this project.
<-- Kindergarte

Our school

1-Our school is located in  Kat that is a town of Tokat and its population is 1500. Our town is between Tokat and Turhal and  the distance is 30km to these cities.This is the unique school in town Kat.That is to say, this school is the only thing that students and their families can be in touch with the outside.There isn’t another place for students  to know the goal of the life except this school.

2-There are 210 students and 13 teachers in our school and there are two students who needs special education and have trouble in learning.Some of the talented students will feel that they are useful by joining the activities that the assistant makes. Because this is the only chance for these poor students to know the Europe culture and Europe people.I want this assistant to give a chance to these students.

3-Our students don’t know enough about the other nations’      cultures,languages,games ,child tales,their life conditions and education activities. There is only one  way to imrove our students’ international skills.We can do this by  helping them to meet the other cultures people. We  will try  to make this  by making  some education  activities with the assistant.

4-Our school has joined a national Project and had a success but it hasn’t joined an international Project yet.Our students will know the other cultures and have a  good  relationship with the  other nations’ students by doing this project.We have determined that our students really want to know the Europe cultures and we think that the assistant will be helpful for students to know the cultures.

5-This assistant will not only be helpful for students but also for teachers.Thus teachers will have a chance to improve their education skills.

6-Our students’ families have never been abroad or seen a foreign person. This is just a dream for them but now this dream will become real.

Kat: my village

Kat Village

It is very easy and cheap to come this town in which our school is located. There are hourly bus services from Tokat and Turhal to here.Our teachers come to school by their own guard’s van. Their travel takes 30 minutes.

There are bus services for the people who comes from another cities and also there is an airport nearby this town and  there are schedule flights for İstanbul in everyday.The airport’s distance is 10 km from Tokat.


Πέμπτη 3 Μαρτίου 2011

Reading Books and Using Internet

Comparison of Reading Books and Using of Internet

Reading is one of the basic sources of education life supplying people a great chance to gain knowledge on certain subjects.  Reading a book is not only a source which makes people learn things universally but also an activity which prompts emotional world of the human being and makes people develop a character.
Drop in reading and tendency to literary genres except for the ones being read at schools and certain situations can be tied to the increase in using Internet in Turkiye. The new generation divest themselves of the fresh smell of a new printed book with the poliferation of Internet.  By the means of Internet, information gathering ways are getting easier. The easier it gets, the more desirable Internet becomes.
As far as I’m concerned, the opinions on this subject can be seen in two different ways. Some people assume that reading especially on a book can not even compared to using Internet. They find reading more enjoyable than Internet. And they feel that learning on reading a book is a special feeling as they grow up with books. But on the contrary, some people think that using Internet is quite a sufficient way to learn things, they find it both useful and easy. And also, Internet is really reachable for anyone in the world. With these different ideas, it will be beter to think on the subject on both sides.

Generally, Internet is a learning source which is accepted by so many people in a very little time. It can not be denied that people can gather information on Internet on many subjects. And they do not have to pay any money for the information they get and also, they can save the information. Searching and classification the information can be easier to make on Internet. And so, Internet is the first source when a student needs to make a search on a certain subject coming into his mind, before library.

If we focus on the subject about searching on internet, reading on a book means a great concentration and saving time for the book. Comparing to the searches on Internet, reading and searching from books is harder. But we should be exactly sure about the certainity of the information we find on Internet. Since anyone can put information on Internet, we should make sure we find the true information. Especially on some subjects such as health, animals, herbal world, we could not probably know if the information is true or not. But we can absolutely find a book written by an expert on his subject and gather information from the book. And that kind of a search totally has certain information inside.

Internet is not a source only for information and some useful information. It is also a communication device among people, quite a widespread one. And this causes a loss of time when someone has to work and search on internet. But when a person decides to search only on books, he should be totally into books and so that he can only focus on the work he is on.
Except from all these, reading a book is a really enjoyable and a resting activity. From the point of literary genres, novels, poetry books, essays, story books are people’s best friends from all ages. People can rest and forget about daily life problems while reading, improve their emotional and thinking minds and also their imaginations.

Considering these reasons, when new generation slightly forgets reading books, poets, writers and people who are producing these kind of things will also forget writing and publishing new things since it is also costly job.
No matter how confusing these ideas, we have to know that both reading and using Internet have its own benefits. When we use the both sources properly, that means we are gathering what we need when the time comes.
Of course when we improve themselves, we can be also sure about which source can be more beneficial for us, when we have the time and chance to think about it.

Merve Kılınçarslan, 16.

Türkiye'de kitap okuma ve internet kullanımı karşılaştırması

Kitap okumak yüzyıllardır süregelen, insanlara belli konularda bilgi birikimi sağlayan, eğitim ve öğretim hayatının temel kaynaklarından bir tanesidir. Kitap okumak sadece kitleler arası bilgi akışı sağlayan bir tür kaynak değil ayrıca roman, şiir, gibi edebi türlerin varlığıyla insanların duygu ve düşünce dünyalarını harekete geçiren, kişiye benlik kazandıran bir eylem. 

Temel durumlar ve okullarda özellikle okutulan kaynaklar dışında edebi türlere olan eğilimin düşüşe geçmesi Türkiye’de özellikle internet kullanımına bağlanabilir. İnternetin kullanımının yaygınlaşmasıyla, bilgi edinme yollarının daha da basitleşmesiyle, özellikle genç nesil, kitap yapraklarından ve yeni basılmış bir kitabın taze kokusundan mahrum ediyorlar kendilerini.
Bu konudaki görüşler anladığım kadarıyla ikiye ayrılıyor. Kimi insanlar kitap okumanın, kitap okumaktan alınan zevkin ve öğrenme hissinin internetten bilgi edinmekle kıyaslanamayacağını, kitap okumanın internet kullanmak dışında özel bir his olduğunu düşünürken, kim insanlar da internetin, kitap okumaya oranla daha basit, daha yararlı ve herkes tarafından ulaşılabilir bir yol olduğunu düşünüyor. Bu bağlamda konuyu iki taraf açısından da değerlendirmek yararlı olacaktır.
İnternet, genel anlamda çok kısa bir süre içerisinde ve çok hızlı bir biçimde çok daha geniş kitlelere ulaşmış bir bilgi edinme kaynağı. İnkâr edilemez ki internet üzerinden çok fazla konu hakkında, çok derin bilgiler edinilebilir, bu bilgilere çok büyük maliyetler harcamadan ulaşılabilir ve saklanabilir. Araştırma ve sınıflandırma anlamında internetin kişilere büyük yararları olacaktır ve özellikle araştırma yapması gereken öğrencilerin kitaplardan, kütüphanelerden önce başvuracağı ilk kaynaktır.
Kitaplardan araştırmak ve özellikle kitap okumak açısından bakacak olursak, kitap okumak, belli bir zaman ayırmak, bütün bir konsantrasyonla kitaba odaklanmak anlamına gelmekte. Araştırma ve sınıflandırma yapmanın internet üzerinden yapılacak araştırmalara kıyasla daha güç olduğu da doğrudur. Ancak bilinmelidir ki bir takım konular üzerinde internet üzerinden yapılan araştırmaların doğruluğu ve kesinliğinden tam olarak emin olunamayabilir. Sağlık, bitkiler, hayvanlar gibi konular üzerinde araştırma yapan bir kişi tamamen bilgi eksikliğinden dolayı yanlış bir kaynaktan yaptığı bir araştırmayı tamamen doğru olduğunu düşünerek sunabilir ve bu da bir yanılgı anlamına gelir. Oysa ki böylesi bir konuda uzman bir kişi tarafından yazılmış bir kaynaktan yapılan bir araştırma, tamamen doğru bilgiler içerebilir.
İnternet, yalnız bilgi ve yararlı konular için kullanılan bir kaynak olmadığından, aynı zamanda bir kitle iletişim aracı olarak sayılabileceğinden dolayı konsantrasyon kaybına yol açabilir. Böyle durumlarda internet üzerinden çalışan ve araştırma yapan insanların kimi zaman vakit kaybına uğramasına yol açabilir. Ancak kitaplardan araştırmalar yapan ve bilgi edinmeye uğraşan bir kişi, yalnızca kitapla muhatap olacağından dolayı tamamen çalışmasına yoğunlaşabilir.

Konuyu yalnızca araştırma ve bilgi edinme açısından ele almazsak, kitap okumak tüm bunların dışında oldukça keyifli ve dinlendirici bir aktivitedir. Edebi türler açısından bakılırsa, romanlar, şiir kitapları, denemeler, hikaye kitapları, çocukluktan yaşlılığa kadar insanların en iyi arkadaşı olagelmiştir. İnsanlar kitap okuyarak hem kafalarını boşaltabilir, hem de duygusal ve düşünsel dünyalarını geliştirebilir, hayal güçlerini farklı boyutlara taşıyabilirler.
Bu sebeple yeni nesil kitap okumaktan uzaklaştıkça yeni yazarların, şairlerin ve üreten insanların körelmesi, özellikle kitap yazmak ve yayımlamak gibi oldukça masraflı işlerden uzak kalacaklarını, üretmedikçe de mesleğe verecekleri emekten vazgeçecekleri düşüncesi kafaları karıştırmaktadır.
Karşıt görüşler her ne kadar birbiriyle çarpışsa da internet kullanımının da kitap okumanın da kesinlikle yararlı ve öğretici tarafları olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. İki kaynağı da yerinde ve düzgün kullandığımızda hepsinden yeterince yararlanıyoruz, almamız gereken şeyleri alıyoruz demektir.
Tabi ki kendimizi geliştirerek, yararlarını ve zararlarını bilerek ve öğrenerek kullandığımızda hangi zamanda hangi kaynağın bize daha büyük yarar sağlayacağını da bilebiliriz.
Merve Kılınçarslan, 16.

Τετάρτη 2 Μαρτίου 2011

Goodmorning baby! A lullaby

Goodmorning baby!

More PowerPoint presentations from KF
Pictures by Adele Enersen
A lullaby: Music: Selitsaniotis, Lyrics: Isidora Sideri, Song by Eleonora Zouganeli

Στίχοι: Ισιδώρα Σιδέρη
Μουσική: Μιλτιάδης Σελιτσανιώτης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ελεωνόρα Ζουγανέλη

Χαρά μου μάτια μου γλυκά
βλέφαρα στολισμένα
της χρυσαυγής τα χρώματα
έχεις ταξιδεμένα
Χαρά μου στόμα μου γλυκό
με το χαμόγελό σου
να σεριανάς τον άγγελο
που έχεις στο πλευρό σου

Κοιμήσου αγγελούδι μου
βελούδινο το βράδυ
το στήθος μου προσκέφαλο
και η ψυχή μου χάδι

Φεγγοβολάς βλαστάρι μου
στ'όνειρο ταξιδεύεις
τους γαλαξίες τριγυρνάς
και το Θεό γυρεύεις
Ο ύπνος που σε τύλιξε
τώρα σε φέρνει πίσω
και'γω που είμαι πλάι σου
χάρες θα σε στολίσω






Τρίτη 1 Μαρτίου 2011

Dear mom... I am pregnant!


This time, the stork is not matter, responsible it’s just about the great stupidity which seems to have infected many young people and now is spreading almost as an infectious disease.

Girls and boys who become teenage parents, without considering the consequences, having in their head just the idea: "I did it and I feel cool." Because today it seems that virginity is something that the sooner you lose it, the sooner you grow up and growing up is compared to a sudden and impulsive act that sometimes requires unpleasant choices and consequences. Sex at that age is no longer seen as a taboo, but as a reason to feel important and at the same time to try something that everyone considers extraordinary. But in the end what is extraordinary in having an intercourse so early? True, it is often said "I love him”, but we must say that love at this age is very simple, sometimes trivial and certainly not lasting. And the baby, what is his future without a parent? And another question is what have they invented condoms for?

In recent years the rate of single mothers aged twelve to sixteen has increased by 14% and is steadily growing. The reasons why there is this sudden birth "boom" birth are varied and depend on a number of factors. First of all: the misinformation.

There are many guys in fact, who consider sex a game, and believe that it should be done as soon as possible. I suppose this is due to a lack of "emotional involvement" of their parents in the sexual life of children, and a disregard of the sons to ask for more information.

Another important factor is that more and more often television now offers movies and TV series where the sex scenes are violent and not true, but kids want to imitate them just finding them real. And from there teenage marriages start, needed, because the girl is pregnant.
The girls themselves often do not realize the risks they face. At fifteen, the chances to have an abortion are high because the uterus is too small and caesareans are frequent.

Is it really worth while?
Martina Andrulli


Stavolta la cicogna non c’entra, è solo merito della grande stupidità che sembra aver contagiato molti giovani e che adesso dilaga quasi fosse una malattia infettiva. Ragazze e ragazzi che diventano genitori in età adolescenziale, senza pensare alle conseguenze, avendo per la testa solo l’idea del “l’ho fatto e mi sento un figo!”. 

Oggi sembra che la verginità sia qualcosa che prima la perdi e prima diventi grande e crescere è paragonato ad un gesto improvviso ed impulsivo che talvolta comporta scelte e conseguenze spiacevoli. Il sesso a quest’età non è più visto come un tabù ma come un motivo per sentirsi importanti ed allo stesso tempo per provare qualcosa che tutti reputano straordinario. Ma alla fine cosa c’è di straordinario nell’avere un rapporto così precoce? È vero, spesso si dice “io lo amo”, ma bisogna pur dire che l’amore a quest’età è molto semplice, talvolta banale e soprattutto non duraturo. E il bambino, che futuro ha senza un genitore? E un ulteriore domanda da porsi è «i contraccettivi che li hanno inventati a fare?».
Negli ultimi anni il tasso di ragazze madri dai dodici anni ai sedici è aumentato del 14% ed è in costante crescita. I motivi per cui vi è questo “boom” improvviso di nascite sono i più svariati e dipendono da una serie di fattori. Primo fra tutti, la disinformazione. Molti sono i ragazzi, infatti, che reputano il sesso un gioco, e credono che vada fatto il prima possibile. Questo è dovuto, suppongo, ad una mancata “partecipazione emotiva” dei loro genitori nella vita sessuale dei ragazzi, ed una noncuranza dei figli nel chiedere maggiori informazioni. 

Un altro fattore importante è costituito dalla televisione che sempre più spesso, ormai, propone film e telefilm dove le scene di sesso sono violente e non veritiere, ma che i ragazzi vogliono imitare trovandole più che giuste. E da lì partono i matrimoni in età adolescenziale, fatti per necessità, perché la ragazza è rimasta incinta.

Le stesse ragazze spesso, non si rendono conto dei rischi a cui vanno incontro. A quindici anni le probabilità di abortire sono elevatissime poiché l’utero è troppo piccolo ed i tagli cesarei sono molto frequenti.
Ne vale realmente la pena?

Martina Andrulli

Notre Dame de Paris, a novel...

Notre Dame de Paris in one of the best know novel by Victor Hugo, published when he was 29.

The story starts in 1482 in Paris, where the characters events intertwine: Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Frollo.
The real centre and soul of the story is the cathedral, with its gothic stones, heart of Paris and stage of the main characters:  Gringoire, crazy poet, who gets lost in Corte dei Miracoli, and the other characters.

Notre Dame de Paris is a historical novel where descriptions of people, places and moments are very accurate. The novel is full of strong emotions and events, sometime parts of it are very slow and boring. However when entering into the true story, reading is very lovely, sprint and exciting. The love story becomes sweety and full of emotions.

The description of the Gobbo’s emotions are really extraordinary and the last page is the romantic and lovely image of true love and strong passion.
  Ileana Azzone
Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame de Paris è uno dei romanzi più famosi di Victor Hugo.
Pubblicato all’età di 29 anni, fu accolto con successo riuscendo a superare senza problemi la critica del tempo.
Il libro è ambientato 1482 a Parigi, dove si intrecciano le vicende dei personaggi principali: Quasimodo, Esmeralda e Frollo.
Centro reale e pulsante del romanzo è proprio la cattedrale, con le sue pietre gotiche, cuore di Parigi e palcoscenico dei protagonisti principali: Gringoire, poeta pazzo e girovago che si perde nella Corte dei Miracoli ed i personaggi comprimari.
Notre Dame de Paris è un romanzo storico in cui sono ampliamente, persino troppo accuratamente, descritti i luoghi in cui si intersecano le vicende dei personaggi e si scoprono i caratteri degli stessi.
Nonostante l’intero romanzo sia un avvicendarsi di emozioni forti e coinvolgenti, alcune parti sono sicuramente lente, più che altro per la difficoltà nello star dietro ad alcune descrizioni paesaggistiche che talvolta entrano eccessivamente nel dettaglio.
Tuttavia, però, entrati nella storia vera e propria, nel cuore del libro, la lettura diventa scorrevole e intensa, la storia d’amore diventa dolcissima e struggente.
Pur coscienti dei numerosi handicap del povero gobbo, uno dei personaggi più interessanti, oltretutto cieco e sordo, per mancanza di amici e per la vicinanza alle assordanti campane, la descrizione dei suoi sentimenti e dei suoi stati d’animo è qualcosa di straordinariamente unico, capace di turbarti come davvero poche cose al mondo. La pagina finale è la commovente e dolce immagine di un amore vero e puro.

Ileana Azzone

Notre dame view from Montparnasse Tower

Devil movie

A group of people are trapped in an elevator and the Devil is mysteriously amongst them.

To all lovers of horror genre: this is absolutely the movie for you. It’s a movie filmed in the United States in 2010, directed by John Erick Dowdle and lasting a maximum of 80 minutes. The main characters of this story are five people who find themselves trapped in a lift, who have a close encounter with the devil. During the time in the lift, the situation deteriorates and one after another, the five guys become fewer, dying.
The security camera films it all in the lift, and the policemen who watch the event live became aware that it is not something normal but a demonic presence.

The story revolves on how to free the hapless survived people from the “hellish trap“. Will the fire fighters save the survivors or will they try to survive? Now it’s up to you watching the film and engage yourself in a situation quite unusual.
And anyway … before entering in a lift think twice, because the danger is just on the corner and anything may happen.
Marco Nicoletti 


A tutti gli amanti del genere horror: questo è sicuramente il film che fa per voi. Si tratta di un film girato negli Stati Uniti nel 2010, regia di John Erick Dowdle e durata massima di 80 minuti. I protagonisti di questa vicenda sono cinque persone che si trovano intrappolate in un ascensore, le quali hanno un incontro ravvicinato con il diavolo.

Durante la permanenza in ascensore la situazione degenera e uno dopo l’altro, i cinque diventano sempre meno, morendo. La telecamera di sorveglianza dell’ascensore riprende tutto e, i poliziotti che guardano la vicenda in diretta si rendono conto che non si tratta di un qualcosa di normale ma bensì di una presenza demoniaca.

La storia gira su come fare a liberare i rimasti malcapitati da quella “ trappola infernale “. Ce la faranno i vigili del fuoco a salvare i sopravvissuti oppure saranno loro a doversela cavare cercando di sopravvivere? Ora sta a voi guardare il film e cimentarvi in una realtà abbastanza insolita.

E comunque… prima di entrare in un ascensore pensateci due volte perché il pericolo è dietro l’angolo e tutto può accadere.
 Marco Nicoletti